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At ISpy Nits
We understand that lice and nits are a problem that affects most kids at one time or another.
For too many, it’s a traumatic experience causing unnecessary distress and social isolation. If you’ve had nits in your home, you know exactly what we’re talking about and why we need a better way of dealing with it.
Ineffective Traditional Treatments
Shampoos, lotions, and potions from the supermarket often result in a hit-or-miss process. At best, it's time-consuming, expensive, and unpleasant. At worst, it doesn’t work, and the nits return in a fortnight.

A Parent-Led Solution
As parents who have dealt with nits multiple times, we knew there had to be a better way. So, we took action. Collaborating with researchers at Waipapa Taumata Rau, the University of Auckland, we discovered that getting rid of nit eggs is the real challenge. Until you’ve eliminated the eggs, you can’t get rid of the lice.
Innovative Science
Through our research, we learned that photonics and biofluorescence could make nit eggs glow under UV light. This insight led to the creation of ISpy Glo-Powder, revolutionizing the nit removal process. We combined Glo-Powder with all the necessary elements to handle a nit/lice outbreak, resulting in the NitKit.

Beyond the NitKit
Dealing with nits isn’t just about distributing NitKits; it’s also about addressing the social stigma associated with them. To tackle this, we developed a fun and interactive education and information program for schools, parents, and caregivers. Plus, we’ve given kids glo-superpowers!

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Lice and nits are a problem that affects most kids at one time or another. For too many it’s a traumatic experience causing unnecessary distress and social isolation. If you’ve had nits in your home then you’ll know exactly what we’re talking about and know why we need a better way of dealing with it.
Getting rid of nits with the shampoos, lotions and potions available at the supermarket is a hit and miss process. At best it's a time consuming, expensive and unpleasant process and at worst, it simply doesn’t work and the nits are back in a fortnight.
As parents ourselves, we have lived with/through nits multiple times and came to the conclusion that there MUST be a better way of getting rid of them and dealing with the associated social stigma. So we decided to do something about it…
Working with a team of researchers at Waipapa Taumata Rau, the University of Auckland we looked hard at the problem and discovered through research that getting rid of nit eggs was the real problem. Until you’ve got rid of the eggs, you’ll never get rid of the lice.
So we looked for some science that might help us and discovered we could make nit eggs glow under UV light using photonics / biofluorescence. From this insight ISpy Glo-Powder was born which changed the process of nit removal for ever. We combined Glo-Powder with all of the other elements a caregiver needs to deal with a nit / lice outbreak - and the NitKit was born.
We also know dealing with nits is not just about getting NitKits out into the world. We need to deal with the social stigma that comes from catching nits. To solve this problem, we've developed a fun and interactive education/information program for schools, parents and caregivers, and of course given kids glo-super powers!!